Day 1 - It's Day 1

Day 2 - Hacks to develop a reading habit

Day 3 - Learn something new everyday

Day 4 - Allow yourself to create junk

Day 5 - My Investing Thesis

Day 6 - Reading for curiosity

Day 7 - Life is a volume game

Day 8 - There's so much to learn

Day 9 - On Content Consumption

Day 10 - Mechanical time vs Body time

Day 11 - Join a group where the desired behavior is the norm.

Day 12 - Quit bad books

Day 13 - Digital Sabbath

Day 14 - Keeping your inventory low

Day 15 - Halfway there

Day 16 - Good old days

Day 17 - Showing up

Day 18 - Design your environment

Day 19 - Don't break the chain

Day 20 - Ambition