If there are three traits I want to have more than the other person in the room, It would be kindness, curiosity and ambition.

Which made me think of why am I not working on more ambitious projects? Why am I not doing more ambitious things when I feel this is a good age for me (22) to aim big and pursue moonshots and yet I am still working at a job.

On the other hand, I also think about how you have to start small before you can tackle bigger projects like Elon Musk starting out with Zip2 (yellow pages of the internet) before being able to work on SpaceX or Tesla.

I mean, how do I even work on any project related to space or aviation with absolutely ZERO knowledge or know-how of how these things work. Whenever I think of doing something ambitious the only area where I feel I can be ambitious and actually get to work on is crypto. Maybe, I should get into that...

Today's essay is nothing but a reminder for me on how do I put myself in a position to be able to take bigger bets and work on moonshots.

Also, I had read this somewhere - "In Silicon Valley, ambition matters more than financial success"