This essay is a little bit of a personal rant. I have been thinking about how there are so many things I have never done in my life and so many things that I can still learn everyday and yet I don't use the only and most important resource very well — Time

There are so many things from small one-time activities like "Skydiving" to medium-term activities like "cooking" or "bartending" to long-term activities like "Learning a new language" or "learning how to play an instrument" that I have never done. Some of these are so simple yet I haven't made time to do them compared to not getting a chance to do an activity because of other reasons like "play golf" (where and with whom to do it?)

It's not mainly that I want to live a rich and lavish lifestyle but more of how do I experience more stuff right here right now with whatever I have. Is it even possible to do so much and kinda live a Tim Ferriss lifestyle or do I need to choose productively on what's worth my time and money.

How do I decide between taking a course on "writing" or "cooking all 3 meals" or "working out" when majority of my day goes away at work and scrolling all day.

A few small activities I hope to do soon

If I die today, I will be very disappointed on how there's so much to do and ****I didn't get a chance to do even 1% of things I had hoped for.