One thing that I have seen a lot of people do is read a book even when they aren't liking it and then blame themselves for it.

I think a lot of this stems from our education system and how we had to read books cover to cover. I also think that finishing a book you have purchased no matter how bad it is comes from our Indian mindset of not "wasting" money. What happens in turn is we either waste time or end up not reading everyday because we are procrastinating on the bad book.

Bad books are a grind. Life is too short to read a book you are not enjoying.

This also happens because you pick up books not because you want to read about it but because someone on the internet recommended it to you. Start picking up books because of genuine curiosity instead of reading it because everyone around is talking about it.

When it comes to reading, you don't have to finish what you start. You will finish good books because they will be so good you will want to read the next page. Good books finish themselves. Putting down bad books makes space for great books in your life.

"Skim a lot of books. Read a few. Immediately re-read the best ones twice." - Shane Parrish