I hate it when people ask me for book recommendations, I think that's a very vague and stupid question to be honest. A better question would be "What are some good book to read about X topic or Y person"

This question is usually asked by people who don't read a lot. And that's exactly the problem, they pick up books recommended by others and hence end up not liking it which makes them stop reading. Then they blame themselves that they are not a reader or they want to make reading a habit but can't

Everyone who wants to start reading and doesn't yet should not pick up bestsellers or books that other people like but should pick up books on topics they want to know more about or improve themselves at.

I remember, I had started reading books on topics like communication or public speaking because I was a really nervous guy and wanted to learn how to hold conversations or get rid of the speaking fear. I think this strategy works a lot better when you starting out

Next time pick up a book out of curiosity and not recommendation

I also love this tweet by Shane Parrish below
