We are surrounded by content. Internet and social media has made our world "many to many"

We spend lots of time consuming content and it shapes us. Literally. Yet there are very few people who focus on what they are consuming, why and how much are they consuming. Almost all of us are slowly manipulated by algorithm and believe it or not getting polarised.

In such a world how do we make sure our content consumption is keeping us mentally healthy and giving us enough perspective because the world is gray, not black and white. Also, how do we use social media to actually make us productive and better rather than miserable

A few rules that I have made that helps me with all of this

Everyone consumes different kinds of content and everyone is living in a different bubble

Also, another tip is try creating content on the internet. I try to keep my creation time = consumption time otherwise you just keep reading more and more and not doing anything from it. If knowledge was all it takes then everyone would be billionaires and have abs.