Hi there, it really means a lot to us that you came down to know more about our team 🙏

We are a little team currently building Fueler from small villages and towns of India.

So what is Fueler all about?

You must be aware of the struggle an individual has to go through to land an opportunity in the current job market. So, we started Fueler, a platform that helps individuals land 10x better opportunities with the help of their proof of work.

Proof of work is a great way to build credibility when we are applying for opportunities.

Since we are building it by bootstrapping, we do not have the funds to invest in marketing and ads to spread the word about it to a larger audience. We invest our surplus funds to help creators and content creations.

But guess what, we are trying our best to become good friends in the community by helping them in whatever way we can.

So if you like our work, please help us by sharing about Fueler. You will not believe, how much it means to our little team.

This is literally how it feels like:


Thank you so much if you are reading this till here.

With due respect, Team Fueler