As you start learning something new, you need to take action after grabbing a set of knowledge around that topic. And, that action is only possible, when you start working on numerious of projects.

To master the art of building web applications, here are the project ideas you should start working on. Apart from achieving mastery, these ideas will also help you in landing your dream opportunities.

Let’s Go 🚀

  1. A website that will show books to read, based on user interest****
  2. Come up with a random quote generator
  3. Create a calculator that supports basic arithmetic calculations on integers.
  4. Create a website that counts down the months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds to an event?
  5. Develop a website that will convert dollars to cents based on user input
  6. Develop a website that will Generate a Random Gradient Hex Color Combination
  7. Create a weather app that shows the current weather using the weather API
  8. Create a website that shows video tutorials by fetching from a JavaScript ****YouTube playlist
  9. Build a website to help people save their daily sticky notes
  10. Develop a website that creates blog thumbnails based on user input.
  11. Create a Twitter clone that lets user accounts post public messages
  12. Create a Winamp clone that uses the Shazam API to play music