🚀 One line brief: Fueler helps you showcase your Proof of Work
🎯 Why it exists? - To help individuals build their USP and unfair advantage on the internet
⚡️ Our story
- We are a small and young team from India passionate about the future.
- Fueler is a fresh new approach to how we attract opportunities for ourselves through our proof of work and collaboration.
- Our mission is to help individuals land opportunities with their proof of work.
Problem: We are solving the problem of talent discovery and conviction. A lot of talent across the world a left behind just because of the lack of discovery. Personal websites, website builders and basic tools lack inbound, they are mostly outbound, and not many individuals has a strong personal brand that makes up for their distribution
We make that easy through proof of work. An individual can prove themselves by showcasing their work. Fueler is like Github for Generalists
🏆 Won Gaur and Chopra Escape Velocity Grants | Read here
Team Fueler
Session Playbook
Building at Fueler
🧠 Fueler ThinkTank
Words from Fueler members